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Telegram Expands its New Features with Wearable Collectibles, Channel Gifting and Blockchain Transfers

Telegram has rolled out six new features in its latest update, enhancing the gifting experience. Users can now display collectible gifts as emoji statuses, transfer gifts to the blockchain, send gifts to channels, and more.

Wear Your Unique Gifts

Now users can display collectible gifts as emoji statuses. When applied, the gift produces a glittering star effect and modifies the user’s profile appearance to match the backdrop and symbol of the collectible. This feature can be accessed via My Profile > Gifts, where users can tap on a gift and select ‘Wear’. Removing the gift restores the profile to its original state.

Move Gifts to the Blockchain

Telegram now allows users to transfer or auction gifts via the TON blockchain, similar to collectible usernames and numbers. This ensures that owners retain permanent control over their gifts, even if they lose access to or delete their Telegram account. Moving a gift to a TON wallet also enables interaction with external services, such as auction sites or platforms offering additional perks for collectibles. Users can transfer gifts to the blockchain by navigating to Settings > My Profile > Gifts, selecting a gift and choosing Transfer > Send via Blockchain.

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Give Gifts to Channels

To celebrate milestones and special occasions, Telegram users can now send gifts to channels. These gifts will be displayed on the channel’s profile, allowing subscribers to contribute to their favourite channels. As with individual gifting, users can upgrade the gift with Stars before sending it, enabling the recipient to convert it into a unique collectible at no additional cost. Channel owners can transfer these gifts to other users and channels or auction them via the blockchain. This functionality also provides content creators and charities a new avenue to raise funds for special projects and causes. The rollout of this feature will be gradual, with availability expanding over time.

Share Gifts

Collectible gifts can now be shared via Telegram Stories, creating an animated preview that showcases the artwork and associated lucky numbers. Each collectible gift also receives a unique link in the format, allowing users to share it with friends or post it in channels.

Filter Gifts on Channel Profiles

Telegram has introduced a filtering feature in the ‘Gifts’ tab on channel profiles, allowing users to sort gifts by value, collectible status, date received and whether they are part of a limited or unlimited collection. Channel administrators can also enable notifications from the Gifts tab to track incoming gifts.

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