Uninor customers help rebuild life in an old age home
Ahmedabad, India, November 12, 2014: Uninor, one of India’s fastest growing telecom operators, launched ‘Sasta bhi Suraksha bhi’ campaign under their project ‘Make a Difference’ (MAD) to support the inmates of a city-based old age home. In this unique initiative customers were requested to donate an amount of Rs 5 by dialling a simple code*555*7#. The amount was deducted from their existing balance as a contribution to the donation fund.
This gave an opportunity to the willing customers to be part of this social drive where their contribution is bringing a difference to some elderly people by improving their living conditions, medical conditions and meeting their daily needs.
As a gratification, a donating customer got 50 minutes of Local Uninor-Uninor Talk time for two days. The funds raised through this campaign will be donated to Sri Manganlal Das and Sri Keshawlal Trikam Das Old Age Home in Ahmedabad, to be utilised for its inmates.
‘Sasta bhi Suraksha bhi’ campaign witnessed 36,194 customers who made donations.
“This project endeavoured to connect different stake holders at various levels – customers, employees and society. This initiative brought each one of us with a great amount of satisfaction and humility, that we are able to make a difference to the lives of the elderly through medical aid, clothes, shelter or simply spending time with them through ‘Sasta bhi, Suraksha bhi’ project”,said, Jinesh Hegde, the Circle Business Head of Gujarat.
Director of Shah Maganlal Trikamdas Charity Trust, Maganlal Shah, said, “There are several challenges that we face in the up-keeping of the facilities for the inmates. We are thankful to Uninor and all its customers who have contributed in raising these funds. We would like more corporate to come forth and contribute”.
Uninor has taken several other unique social initiatives under its CSR banner – Uninor Unites, making the employees connect with the society beyond their scope of work. Some of the other parallel running campaigns are Sampark (to reduce the mobile gender gap), Webwise (cyber education to students) and many others.