What You Need to Know About Data Security
The thought of a data loss causes most individuals or businesses to quake at the knees: sensitive data should always be protected to the best of one’s abilities. However, many people have been the subject of a cyberattack, which can cause us to lose important data, as well as time and money. If you want to stay informed as to how best to look after your data, then here are a few top tips.
You are not too small to be affected
It doesn’t matter whether you’re an individual or a small company, you are not too small to be affected by cybercrime. If you can afford a computer or smart device, then you are likely to have a bank card. Never create a weak, easy-to-guess password on the assumption that you’ll never be targeted. Cybercriminals spend their time hunting for gaps in people’s privacy and security settings to get hold of bank details, so always be vigilant and invest in anti-malware software.
Cloud software is preferable
The truth is that physical hardware is far easier to steal. If your company’s data is stored on numerous hard-drives in a cabinet, you are just one break-in or theft away from losing significant chunks of information. Cloud software is far more secure and useful in the event of a cyberattack. If you were unlucky enough to lose all the data in your network, it would just be a case of re-downloading all of the lost information. However, as anyone who has used the free version of Cloud software will know, storage comes at a price. There is often a cap on how much Cloud space you will get for free. If you are looking to migrate everything to the Cloud, but are worried about the cost of Cloud storage space, then a software reseller could be a preferable option. Companies, including Bytes, are not only qualified to sell you Cloud storage from big brands, but also provide advice and assistance. You can then be assured that the software you are receiving is still high-quality but for a fraction of the price.
You pose a threat to other businesses
Unintentionally, you could pose a threat to the company you work for or an unrelated business. By sending a suspicious attachment to a company you could accidentally unload a virus onto their computer systems. This is why it’s so important to practice good online safety. Your mobile phone could also accidentally affect a network, as these also carry malware. The ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) and the devices that use all this data sharing will continue to pose serious challenges to businesses and individuals.
If you’re worried about being the victim of a cyberattack, or maybe even being the accidental perpetrator, then the best approach to take is to educate yourself. Knowing how best to keep your devices clean and secure, and how to send documents and data safely will diminish the risk associated. The best possible attitude to take is that you are never immune to an attack, particularly without security.