Rockstand provides free materials for AIPMT exam preparation

New Delhi, India, July 15, 2015: Rockstand, the leading m-learning marketplace will be providing free preparation materials all day from 17th to 24th July for AIPMT re-test happening this month. This special offer will help students in accessing varied materials from multiple coaching institutes to expand their horizons and prepare better, besides reducing time and money spent on sourcing relevant content.

Announcing the offer, Praveen Rajpal, CEO, Rockstand Digital Pvt Ltd. said, “AIPMT is a crucial exam for students aspiring to be in the medical field. The most important aspect of the preparation is to do a lot of practice papers that not only give students an access to the different questions that can appear, but also practice to complete it within the stipulated time. To help students prepare for the exam better, Rockstand will be providing all AIPMT content including question papers and course materials either free or at a nominal cost of Rs 5. This tends to our vision of increasing accessibility for learning, to reach the remotest corners of the country and creating opportunities by leveraging technology.”

With passing years, the number of AIPMT applicants has seen an astonishing increase, with over 6 lakh candidates appearing in the exam this year. Due to the increasing competition, students are going beyond their coaching institutes and looking for more content from other coaching institutes, friends, online and mobile sources. With the rapid adoption of digital content and shifting consumption patterns, Rockstand is providing a platform to meet these changed consumption patterns.

Rockstand offers its products and services in Self-Paced Learning and Distance Learning domains through eBooks, eNewspapers, eMagazines in multiple genres and m-Coaching Material from 40+ distinguished coaching institutes Pan India covering most entrance exams such as IITJEE, AIPMT, IES, CAT, XAT, MAT, GMAT/GRE, GATE, CTET, CDS NDA, CA-CPT, CS, UPSC, BANK PO and others.

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