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Flytxt publishes news letter on analytics-driven insight monetization opportunities for CSPs featuring Gartner Research

Flytxt-logoDubai, May 28, 2014: Flytxt, a Big Data Analytics powered solution partner for more than 50 Communication Service Providers (CSPs),today announced the release of a newsletteron asset monetization opportunities for CSPs featuring Gartner research. It will serve as a reference guide to understand how CSPs can leverage their core assets of network infrastructure, IT platform capabilities and most importantly customer relationship and insights to generate and sustain new revenue streams.

The newsletter includes a report from Gartner titled ‘Market Insight: Data Monetization by CSPs, Worldwide, 2014’. The report states,“More communications service providers with sophisticated data capabilities will test new opportunities to monetize data and their related skills in 2014. From this report, CSPs’ product managers and operational teams will learn how CSPs can participate in the value chain for big data and analytics.”

Abhay Doshi, V.P-Product and Marketing, Flytxt, said, “Innovative and disruptive business models as well as adjacent services are changing the Telecom landscape at imperceptible speed. Through this newsletter we wish to explore and discuss how CSPs can navigate this dynamic landscape leveraging big data analytics and how they can potentially generatemore than 20% incremental economic value from these adjacent services by 2016-2017.”

The newsletter also includes a guest article on how Big Data Analytics can trigger insight monetization opportunities and an approach note on how CSPs can integrate the fragmented mobile advertising ecosystem to increase RoI for brands and advertisers; generating sustainable adjacent service revenue stream for themselves.

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