Trusted Data Solutions (TDS) sets up India Restoration Assurance Center in Mumbai

Trusted Data Solutions (TDS) announced that it is betting big on India’s fast growing legacy data and tape restoration market. It has acquired Pune-based digital solutions and services company, Assured Data Technologies (ADT), as part of the growing focus on the market. With integration of ADT’s team into its fold, TDS will have a significant presence in the Indian market. The company also announced that it has set up an India Restoration Assurance Center in its financial capital, Mumbai. The center will deploy TDS’s proprietary tools and software to help recover legacy information for financial institutions, corporations and other regulated institutions.

To mark its India entry, it hosted a conference in Mumbai titled “The CXO dialogue – Mitigating compliance risks with legacy data management” which saw senior leaders from Axis bank, Quantiphi, Iron Mountain and IndusInd bank besides Chris Clark, President & CEO of TDS and Tarang Daptardar, CEO of ADT, speaking on various trends and perspectives in this area.

In his comments, Chris Clark, President & CEO of TDS, said, “We already had an ongoing partnership with ADT to provide tape restoration services to their global customers operating in India. The acquisition only takes that partnership a step ahead and will hugely strengthen not just our Indian presence but the APAC capacities as well. India fast adopting to global standards for data governance creates huge opportunities in the legacy data and tape restoration market which we would like to tap into.”

Added, Tarang Daptardar, CEO, Assured Data Services, “There is excellent synergy between both the companies and the acquisition further strengthens our position in India. Together we are truly well positioned to generate additional business from our existing international customers besides more new business, resulting in exponential growth overall. We are delighted to be part of TDS.”

Providing his perspective, Santanu Ganguly, CEO, StrategINK, said, ”The flurry of new technologies in Tape storage, the pace of data growth and the recent revival of retention mandates which will spur data protection are all pointing to a market that is at an inflection point. TDS has timed its India entry right and with the ADT acquisition it has both the right leadership, capabilities and presence to tap into the potential.”

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