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SVG Media leaps ahead to become the second largest Ad Network after Google

SVG-Media-logoNew Delhi, India, February 7, 2014: SVG Media, the largest Indian digital media network, moved ahead in the comScore rankings to become the 2nd largest ad network in India after Google. As per the latest Comscore numbers (December 2013),SVG Media (including all entities: Tyroo, DGM India, PrecisionMatch and Platformplay) is the second largest display ad-network in India after Google and the largest Indian display ad-network that reaches 52% of the internet audience over a 3 monthly average.

SVG Media is the 3rd largest online audience reach vehicle in India, after Google and Facebook. In addition to this, SVG Media is the only ad-network with the fastest rate of growth in terms of audience reach. As per comScore, the Total Unique Visitors (000) to SVG Media increased by 33.5 % since Dec 2012 higher than that of any other network in India.

The average daily visitors and total page views for SVG Media stand at 5.3M and 1321MM respectively.

SVG Media’s audience break-up includes 60% male and 40% female audiences on the internet. The 60:40 male to female ratio is in line with the overall internet user average. About 76% of SVG Media’s audience reach comes from the age bracket of 15 – 34yrs, giving an advertiser the liberty to target a wider set of audience or to choose the most appropriate mix of internet audience they would like to tap.

Comscore is the industry benchmark for measuring display ad-ecosystem and it does not track text links, e-mailers and other similar inventories which constitute a significant proportion of SVG Media’s portfolio apart from display.

Comscore Media Metrix monitors only the online activities of individuals within a universe, defined as those aged 15+ who have accessed the internet from either a home or a work computer in the past 30 days. Comscore does not monitor internet usage activities that are undertaken from an internet café or other public/shared computers.

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