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Presensoft adds support for Microsoft Lync 2013

Presensoft-logoNew Delhi, India, April 20, 2014: Presensoft has added Microsoft Lync 2013 archiving to its list of approved versions. Users can now take advantage of all the benefits Microsoft Lync 2013 has to offer while adhering to federal compliance and corporate policies using Presensoft’s secure IM archiving solutions.

Microsoft Lync 2013, which was released with all “Wave 15” products, includes a unified contact book for users to manage their contacts in Outlook or Lync.

Presensoft’s support for Microsoft Lync 2013 provides companies with a way to safely detect and record, or even prevent, instant messages for regulatory compliance. Features include real-time Lync IM archiving and notifications of non-compliant keyword usage, as well as robust search and audit capability for e-discovery, including legal holds.

CEO of Presensoft David Pulaski said, “Presensoft’s IM Policy Manager for Microsoft Lync 2013 not only provides critical business functions to compliance and legal officers, it also integrates with Presensoft Data Sync for to ensure a more rapid ROI [return on investment].”

With this update, organizations can utilize the collaboration benefits Lync 2013 offers while meeting archiving requirements set forth by regulated industries. “At Presensoft, we’re always working to provide our customers with the finest archiving service, the highest value, and require the least amount of work,” said Pulaski. “With our new Lync v15 release, we have made improvements in our archiving to accommodate the improvements in Lync 2013 and extend the value of the investment to the entire organization.”

The new software update also adds support for the latest versions of Skype.

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