Pre-Budget expectation 2015-16 by Mr. Sridhar P S, SVP – Finance, Aspire Systems
Some Direct Tax benefit especially for companies which has more than 50 % export revenues . May be a progressive measure
- No introductions of any measure which will have Service Tax increases; has to clarify on the services
- GST roll out
- Transfer pricing norms between related entity to be rationalized keeping in view the ease of doing business in India
- DTAA interpretation and implementation to be made lucid , especially in terms of definition of Technical services
- From a Macro angle, would expect to see large Fund allocation for infrastructure, especially on Power, Roads and Rails. A corresponding Bond Scheme with Tax saving options could be the fund raiser
- Mutual Fund Debt Scheme could be bought back to 1 year horizon, as Interest Rates have started moving down
- The Government, I feel, will focus on the Digitizing and Automation