“Market has awakened to the reality of cloud based deployments”- Mr. Lakshman Rajagopalan, Founder, NYSYM

Mr. Lakshman Rajagopalan, Founder, NYSYM shares his views with technuter.com on cloud based ERP software product to Optical showroom:   NYSYM-Logo  

Could you please tell us about Nysm? 

Nysym was founded around a simple vision – using technology to make life simpler, enjoyable and more productive for all stakeholders. We felt technology is not being used in the right sense by a majority of people and we really want to take good technology and consistent customer support beyond the current scope. We saw the oppurtunity with the emergence of cloud based ERP’s and we want to realize our vision using it. For example, does a single store retail operator use a software for record keeping or deriving some intelligence from the data stored in it? These are some of the gaps we hope to bridge through our products.

What are latest industry trends in cloud based ERP software? 

Cloud based ERPs are fast catching up though there does seem to be some apprehension regarding data security, a feeler we got from our customer interactions. Also, some of the cloud based deployments cannot be called so truly, for example adobe. So, though the market has awakened to the reality of cloud based deployments or SaaS applications, a lot of apprehension still exists which we hope to allivate in the short run, which we see as our oppurtunity too. Gartner research predicts SaaS based software adoption will increase to 45% by 2023, but we definitely feel it could be faster if some of current apprehensions are allivated sooner.

How can cloud based ERP software product useful for Optical showroom? 

Irrespective of whether its a single store outlet or a chain, a cloud based ERP can help potential users in 3 ways;

1. Ability to manage the showroom(s) on the run,

2. Make smarter decisions based on the Intelligence derived from the data stored, and

3. Absolutely no infrastructure required except for a stable internet connection and a “smart” device to run the application. This gives them flexibilty to manage multiple showrooms at any given time, and also reduce costs of deployment.

Could you please tell us about oPtacus? 

oPtacus is our first product and we want to really ensure our customers derive the true benefits of a cloud based software in their eshtablishments. We understood how the industry functions locally, also did some quick reasearch on how it works globally, figured a way to integrate the two, and arrived at a global product. The architecture has also been thought through to make it truly simple for anyone to use it, reflecting our idealogy.

What are the major Industry verticals targeted by Nysym?

We currently are focussed on the retail sector, which by estimates is predicted to make IT spends of about 153 million dollors. Add the thousands of unstructured retail units to the mix, and this number can only increase. Once we get a reasonable traction on our first product, we will build a POS system for the generic retailers, build solutions for the healthcare industry in general and healthcare retailers in particular, and also expand our portfolio to other retail segments. Our plan is to branch out to other verticals once we see saturation in our current product focus.

Do you plan any significant market expansion in near future? 

Yes, we will definitely expand to all major cities within a year, and also target major tier 2 centers. Our plan is to then expand to other emerging markets subsequently.

Would you please reflect upon your R&D work?

We did our research at two levels, one for the local market and 2 for the global market. We realized that the potential of emerging economies is not leveraged by many significant technology companies in the SaaS space. That is an oppurtunity we saw for ourselves.

What is your expectation from the new Government? 

We want the new government to help budding enterprises like us by making the incorporation process more friendly, improving online processes wherever applicable. The government can also make taxes policies more attractive, consistent and stable. I welcome the budget allocation for startups like many others, but would wait for its implementation to comment more.

Your message to the IT and Tech community…

There are a lot of problems to be solved and this is a great oppurtunity for all of us. But dont get fixated on technologies, rather focus on outcomes. When zoho launched, cloud was a reference primarily to rains,  so who knows what the next wave would be? Just keep in Mind the impact your solutions can make to your stakeholders and leverage the technology best suited for that.

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