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Intel Security announces collaboration with Samsung to secure the Tizen Smartphone

McAfee-logoMumbai, India, January 27, 2015: Intel Security, today announced that it will deliver its McAfee Mobile Security software pre-installed in the first Samsung smartphones running the Tizen open-source operating system, further delivering on their commitment to redefine the consumer security market.

Tizen is an open and flexible operating system built from the ground up to address the needs of stakeholders of the mobile and connected device ecosystem, including device manufacturers, mobile operators, application developers and independent software vendors.

Recent Intel Security research found that the manipulation of legitimate mobile apps and services has played a key role in the expansion of mobile malware, highlighting the need for robust security options to detect threats across multiple operating systems.  One of the most common behaviours of mobile malware included collecting and sending device data to build a profile of the owner’s behaviour. Another threat associated with device hijacking makes the mobile device into a bot and installs other, even more malicious malware.

“With mobile malware samples up, we firmly believe that security should be seamlessly integrated into telecommunications,” said Sean Duca, Chief Technology Officer Asia Pacific, McAfee, part of Intel Security.  “By including our software on new operating systems like Tizen, security is developed in parallel with the ever-expanding technology landscape.” 

The latest version of McAfee Mobile Security for Android, iOS and Tizen devices enables consumers to run instant privacy and security scans, as well as allowing users to easily remove the apps that may pose the most significant risks.

Intel Security Tips On Protecting Consumers’ Privacy 

In addition to running regular scans of your smartphone, Intel Security offers these tips to help safeguard your privacy either via apps or online:

  • Prevent unauthorised access Lock your device with a personal identification number or password
  • Use comprehensive security software on your mobile device The sad truth is that malicious apps are not going away anytime soon. So, having security installed on your mobile device that helps protect your privacy and identity is a must. McAfee Mobile Security (free to both Android and iOS users) offers a variety of protections, including ones to help Android users dodge harmful apps
  • Avoid downloading apps from third parties By taking this one simple step and only downloading apps from trusted online sources like Apple’s App Store and Google Play, you can lessen your chance of downloading a malicious app
  • Don’t open a link or file from someone you don’t know Whether you receive a link or file through email, social media or text message, it is always best to avoid opening attachments from unknown senders

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