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Indian small business owners strongly embrace digital transformation

GoDaddy India reveals that Indian entrepreneurs take digitalization of their business seriously and are trying to improve processes with better use of technology tools to help their business be more efficient and help them grow.

The third round of findings from the GoDaddy Data Observatory 2023 shows Indian respondents are already using digital tools including intranet or internal social networks (74%), shared drives for collaboration (72%), services for storing or transferring data (69%) and use of video conferencing (67%).

Indian small businesses are also willing to invest more in online sales and marketing this year, according to the report (94%).

Meaningful customer experiences are recognized by Indians as a key component for their business. Taking this into account, the tools that the businesses are currently using or planning to use to operate their business and interact with customers include digital payment systems (75%), e-mail notifications (73%), online customer service (70%), online booking systems (65%) and digital invoicing (64%). Additionally, 74% of respondents claimed to use a customer relationship management tool (CRM) to help manage and track customers interactions – higher than the global average of 55%.

When it comes to the importance of digitization, Indian small businesses believe it is very important to have web security (79%), own a website (77%), have a social media presence (77%), conduct digital adversiting (77%) and have an online store (69%). Additionally, 91% of Indian respondents said they researched or bought website protections for their site. This behavior reflects India’s score of 74 (of a maximum 100) in the GoDaddy Digital Index which measures different aspects of digitalization among the seven countries surveyed.

Palnitkar, Senior Marketing Director for GoDaddy India said, “GoDaddy’s suite of integrated tools and services is ready to help Indian small businesses navigate the digital age in a way that is affordable and easy to use. We are glad to support them as they evolve their strategies to stay at the forefront of the digital revolution.”

The GoDaddy Data Observatory was conducted by Advanis in March 2023 in Brazil, Colombia, Germany, India, Mexico, Philippines, Singapore, Spain, Thailand, and the United States. The sample criteria were small business owners, and companies were defined based on the number of employees, ranging from one to 50 people. For this study, a total of 4,682 entrepreneurs and small business owners were surveyed, including 569 in India.

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