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I Get U Technologies launches Smart HR Package

Smart-HR-PackageTelangana, India, June 22, 2014: Telangana based I GET U TECHNOLOGIES PVT. LTD. has launched Smart HR Package. According to Founder and Managing Director of I GET U TECHNOLOGIES G.N.Mallikarjuna Rao, after two years of research it is for the first time such a package to recruit human resources for any organization has been launched. This will change the recruitment landscape and help HR managers immensely.

The idea behind the Smart HR Package is to reduce Organization’s recruitment expenditure drastically. This helps an organization to leverage their HR staff and work more efficiently and effectively to meet organizations goals. The Smart HR Package is an innovative thought that is a combination of Technology, Process and Service.

The Smart HR Package is applicable to organizations of all sizes from fortune 500 to smaller companies as subscription is highly economical. Usually small and mid-range companies find it hard to use third party services for recruitment as cost is a burden which may lead to hiring lesser talent than needed.

Though technology and resources in the HR field are advancing the difference in hiring right always comes down to the process and cost effectiveness.

The main advantage of the Smart HR Package by I-GETU is that the employer will not be required to pay for database-access, maintain multiple HR executives to search the databases and process hundreds of resumes applied. Also they do not have to get into any kind of agreements. It is purely a subscription based professional service starting from Rs.15,000/- with an assured Return on Investment. A monthly or periodically subscription will be required and access to unlimited screened resumes with HR required details against any number of requirements will be granted.

There are interesting value additions such as preliminary round of interviews done by I-GETU to make employer to spare their valuable time, only on exactly matching profiles to meet employer’s requirements. Interviews scheduling, resumes segregation (i.e. accepted, hold, rejected) and tracking can be done by using an online platform

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