Geo-Enabling Digital India: ESRI India organises 15th User Conference

New Delhi, India, December 08 2014: Esri India (a joint venture between NIIT Technologies Limited, and Esri Inc.), country’s leading Geographic Information System (GIS) Software & Solutions provider, announced that the 15th edition of its flagship event, the ESRI India User Conference (UC) is scheduled to be held in New Delhi from December 9 -11, 2014.With the theme “Geo-Enabling Digital India” this year’s UC will provide insights into the ways GIS technology can be used in realizing the vision of Digital India.


The conference aims to bring together GIS as well as ICT professionals, working across government, defence, academia and industry from different parts of the country. The delegatewill learn about the applications of GIS, new mapping techniques, latest product features and get to participate in thought provoking sessions on theuse of the GIS technology for better citizen engagement and governance.

The forum will have over 45 sessions with over 75 speakers; more than 1000 delegates are expected to participate. Some of the key speakers for the event include: Mr. R S Sharma, Secretary, DeiTY; Mr. R Chandarshekar, President, NASSCOM; Dr. Najammuuddin, Secretary General, IPTI; Mr. Lawrie Jordan, Director of Imagery, Esri Inc.; Dr. (Mrs.) Vandana Sharma, DDG, NIC andProf. Chetan Vaidya, Director, SPA Delhi. 

Commenting on the event Agendra Kumar, President of ESRI India said,“The GIS Technology is a key enabler of the Digital India vision outlined by PM NarendraModi. It has been deployed in India for more than two decades and now forms the core of many mission critical projects in Government.” 

The User Conferencewill bepreceded by Developers Summit on 9th December, which is a platform for developers and GIS professionals to learn more about the tools and techniques for creating mapping applications or adding maps to their existing apps.

As a part of the conference, this year a dedicated seminar on ‘GIS and Smart Cities’ is being organized jointly with the Institute of Town Planners India (ITPI). The seminar will have several sessions to discuss various aspects of a smart city. It would also explore the significance of a centralized information system based on GIS to integrate every facet of a smart city.

Conference will conclude with a panel discussion on Geo-enabling Digital India and recognizing users who have done significant work for the betterment of overall society using GIS Technology.

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