Why You Need Data Recovery Services

Ask yourself this – can your business still function without having your critical applications, data, and operations? If your answer is a definitive yes, that is the only way you would not need a great data recovery plan. There will come a time when your data will be at risk. It might be due to a machine error, a virus, a human error, or even a natural disaster, such as a hurricane. If you don’t have the right precautions in place, you are putting your entire business at risk. You need to think about data recovery as a sort of insurance policy for your information and business in case something happens that is out of your control.

If you are looking for Toronto server recovery services, you are in luck because you have one of the leaders in the industry right there. They are great when it comes to Canadian network security.  But, what if you aren’t? You shouldn’t have to suffer just because you have a different geographical location.

SVC Bank found their own solution and you can, too.

Security Breaches

The cost of security breaches has never been higher. This includes damages to the reputation of your business, the risk of regulatory actions, and lost business. That being said, successful breaches can occur within only minutes and 88% of those are getting your sensitive information within those few minutes, even though the act of discovering one might take weeks or even months. The 2014 Mandiant Threat Report states that it takes an average of 243 days to find a breach.

With the near certainty that some type of security breach or attack will happen with your organization, it only makes sense to think about plans and scenarios for them when they occur. A plan for a security breach will lay out key steps and personnel to involve when one happens and will need to include these three elements:

  • Evidence and forensics collection
  • Identifying the regulatory mandates that have been impacted
  • Managing the notification of the breach

Data recovery systems can ensure that any data that has been lost in this type of breach can be recovered.


There are times when hackers will use programs to run searches for computers that have holes in their security and are connected to the internet. In other instances, users will expose themselves unknowingly through online links or malicious emails that appear to be innocuous. In either one of these instances, once a vulnerable system has been found, a hacker can get into your computer without you knowing it.

Once they are in there, they can download malware to your computer and encrypt the system. This is like putting a lock on each and every critical file in your computer. The thing is, it doesn’t stop there. It can also target and encrypt any other device on the network.

This kind of malware is called ransomware because the hackers typically demand a ransom of some type to be paid before they will unlock the system.

If you become a victim of this, the first thing you need to do is to take a minute to look for all of your backups. That includes backups that are located on the infected computers. It might be that they weren’t encrypted. If your data has truly been encrypted, there is only 1 thing that can be done to try to recover your data.

You can try to locate any data that escaped being encrypted. Most of the time, the entire drive will not be encrypted, only what the hackers deem important. You might be able to recover deleted files or older versions of some documents. Duplicate photos and even some personal data can also be recovered quite often.

Get a call in to an IT specialist to see if they can help you with recovering anything else. Unfortunately, in cases like this, the only solution is to pay the ransom. However, if you have a great data recovery system in place, or if you have remote backup on a daily basis, you will be better equipped to handle things like this if and when they occur.

@Technuter.com News Service

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